Episode Title:
Raggedy Ann and Andy in The Pumpkin Who Couldn't Smile.
Episode Description:
Raggedy Ann (June Foray) and Andy (Daws Butler) and their dog Raggedy Arthur noticed how cruel their neighbor Aunt Agatha (Foray) is and how sad her nephew Ralph (Steven Rosenberg) is on Halloween but realized that Aunt Agatha had a Scrooge like attitude towards the holiday. The Raggedies at first, seem really annoyed with how Aunt Agatha treats her nephew and think that she's really mean to treat him in such a way by not allowing Ralph to go trick or treating with the rest of the children in the neighborhood. However, they come-up with an idea on how to make Ralph happy. Raggedy Ann reasons that if there's an unhappy little boy where they live, than there must be an unhappy pumpkin somewhere out there waiting for a little boy. The Raggedies set out to find the pumpkin who's just right for Ralph. The abandoned pumpkin in the pumpkin patch (Les Tremayne) is very gloomy and emits pumpkin seeds as tears every time he weeps. The only way to cheer up the sad pumpkin is to bring it to Ralph to give and then convince Aunt Agatha to change her Scrooge like ways on Halloween by recalling to her in her sleep that Agatha or Aggie as she was known as a child and a witch costume that Agatha wore and loved as a child. Agatha woke up realized that she was wrong on not allowing Ralph to go trick or treating and discovering Ralph and the now smiling pumpkin in his room apologized to Ralph on how she treated him and escorting Ralph by putting on a witches' hat and carrying a broom while Ralph wore a pirate's costume with the now smiling pumping in tow surprising the neighbors as both Aunt Agatha & Ralph merrily went trick or treating together and Aunt Agatha finding a newfound joy for the Halloween season.
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