I Parry Everything Episode 9 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
I Parry Everything Episode 9 English Dubbed Episode Title:
I Parry an Army
Episode Description:
Noor is convinced the dragon only stopped because Rolo told it to. With Rolo translating the dragon claims Noor is now its master, but Noor assumes it is referring to Rolo and merely tells the dragon to go home. As it flies away it is shot down by a mana cannon from King Deridas whose army is now in position to finish taking the city. Deridas fires the cannon again to get rid of Lynne and especially the troublesome Ines and her Holy Shield. Amazingly, Noor parries the blast harmlessly into the sky. Using the same high speed spell as before Lynne fires Noor at the army where he parries thousands of swords into the air, unintentionally defeating half the army when the swords fall back to earth, injuring the soldiers they land on...