Go! Go! Loser Ranger! Episode 6 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Go! Go! Loser Ranger! Episode 6 English Dubbed Episode Title:
1 Plus 2 Equals... Threat!
Episode Description:
D begins training but is beat by the other trainees. XX, the female Duster, reminds him not to get friendly with the other trainees. At the final exam, they are told they will have to fight other Rangers acting as monsters and retrieve a key from them in three days. D gets paired up with a volatile trainee named Kai Shion and sent after a now maimed Tokita. Shion repeatedly tries to fight Tokita but gets defeated each time. While it appears D has run away, in actuality he steals a car and rams it, which also brings the Green Ranger actor, Kanon Hisui, and the trainees fighting her...