Suicide Squad Isekai Episode 9 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Suicide Squad Isekai Episode 9 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Episode 9
Episode Description:
A minister uses the Thinking Cap to brainwash several knights and turn them against the others. Fione discovers the real Aldora was killed and replaced by the Undead King, who aims to spread death before Cecil rescues her. Tired of cowering, Fione assumes Harley's makeup and baseball bat before knocking out the minister, ending his control. As the Undead King summons skeletons to attack Aldora's subjects and floods the castle, Croc attacks Fione, but King Shark escapes his cell and intercepts him. The rest of the squad soon arrive to help fight the Undead King and the rogue squad. The Undead King calls on the Enchantress for help, but Arthur has a growth spurt and joins Cecil in aiding Harley and Deadshot in fighting her...