Chillin’ in Another World With Level 2 Super Cheat Powers Episode 7 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Chillin' in Another World With Level 2 Super Cheat Powers Episode 7 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Toward Their Respective Futures
Episode Description:
Elizabeth continues her search for Flio. Meanwhile, the four female soldiers manage to tame a unicorn-like monster. Damalynas and the transformed Blonde Hero launch an attack on Elizabeth. This alerts Flio and Hiya explains that by freeing her, the seal on Damalynas's soul was also broken. Under orders from Flio, Hiya engages Damalynas and the transformed Blonde Hero, eventually defeating her before extracting and eating her soul, turning the Blonde Hero and Tsuya back to normal. Elizabeth finally meets Flio and requests for him to come to the castle, but he declines as he wants to live a private, peaceful life and does not wish to fight; however, he does give her a large amount of money to help restore her kingdom. The Blonde Hero and Tsuya are arrested and scheduled to be executed.