The Witch and the Beast Episode 10 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
The Witch and the Beast Episode 10 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Origin Witch
Episode Description:
Helga goes with Ashaf to a magically hidden doorway leading into the headquarters of the Order of Magical Resonance, leaving the still injured Guideau outside with instructions to wait. When Guideau overhears children talking about a witch, she goes with them to a cottage to investigate, but only finds an old woman. An Executioner arrives at the cottage and uses his cloak to take Guideau, the old woman, and children to another dimension. Suddenly, Angela Anne Huell, the powerful Origin witch who cursed Guideau, arrives. Angela takes the Executioner's cloak, kills him, and challenges Guideau to follow her. Later, Guideau is furious that Ashaf intentionally left her in a weakened state and she attacks him, cracking his ribs. He apologizes and promises to protect her, reminiscing how it has been three years since they first met.