The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 12 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic Episode 12 English Dubbed Episode Title:
The True Face of the Black Knight!
Episode Description:
After returning from battle and being officially commended, Usato is summoned back to the castle (getting mobbed in town by grateful citizens on his way there). At the castle, the King requests that he speak to the Black Knight, who refuses to divulge information unless she can meet with Usato. Inukami tags along with him and Siglis as they make their way to the Knight's cell; after learning from Siglis that dark magic and healing magic basically cancel each other out, Usato realizes that none of the damage he inflicted on the Black Knight healed and she's likely in critical condition. He heals her properly, causing her to weep from his magic's warmth...