Challenge of the Superfriends 1978 Episode 4 The Time Trap InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Challenge of the Superfriends 1978 Episode 4 The Time Trap Episode Title:
The Time Trap
Episode Description:
Gorilla Grodd invents an inter-spacial time conveyor to allow anyone to travel through the time portal. Black Manta and Giganta trap Aquaman and Apache Chief in 70,000,000 BC and rob the diamond mines of South Africa. Sinestro and Captain Cold trap Green Lantern and Samurai in AD 500 and rob King Arthur's treasure. Grodd and Solomon Grundy trap Batman and Robin in ancient Rome and rob the treasures of Julius Caesar. Aquaman and Apache Chief managed to find the exact future location of the Hall of Justice, where Aquaman buries his communicator which has a power source with a multi-million year lifetime of use. In the present, the Super Friends detect the communicator, deduce where and when it came from, allowing Superman eventually to rescue all his comrades in the past. The Legion of Doom learn a hard lesson in underestimating the Super Friends when they are foiled once more.