Episode List
Ragna Crimson Episode 9 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Negotiation and True Nature
Episode Description:
Crimson claims to be a magician working in Capital City. Expertly controlling his aura he claims he and Ragna were caught in an explosion while teleporting away from a dragon attack and teleported to the army base by accident. However, Starlia reveals her eyes can also detect personality, so while Crimson’s aura seems honest, his personality screams darkness and murder, so she decides to execute him. Ragna saves him at the last second and Starlia, with her unusual senses, perceives Ragna as the perfect fusion of human, silverine sword, and strength; in short, her ideal man. Overcome with maidenly embarrassment Starlia is speechless in Ragna’s presence and imprisons them while she decides what to do next. After a short, vicious argument with Ragna about the failed attack on Ultimatia, Crimson reveals the base is in considerable danger. Starlia’s soldiers gossip about Ragna defeating Garm, Starlia’s general and greatest swordsman in Lese, and Starlia’s first crush on a man. Starlia’s maid, Nazarena, is glad Starlia is in love but also reminds her they are currently at war and she has responsibilities. Ultimatia has a nightmare of the Dragon God being disappointed with her, further inflaming her fear and uncertainty.