Little Krishna Episode 10 The Charge of the Monster Horse InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Little Krishna Episode 10 The Charge of the Monster Horse Episode Title:
The Charge of the Monster Horse
Episode Description:
Kamsa is growing impatient after all his demon friends were killed by Little Krishna. As his hopes of getting rid of his angel of death are fading, a monster horse, Keshi, appears before him. He assures Kamsa that he will crush Krishna to death beneath his hooves.
Keshi learns that Krishna wears a yellow garment, holds a flute and wears a peacock feather on His head. Meanwhile, Madhumangal disguises himself as Krishna so that he can get some butter from the little gopis. As the horse demon is looking for the boy that matches this appearance, he stumbles upon Madhumangal, who is walking happily after enjoying the pot of butter. Keshi snorts furiously seeing Madhumangal, and gets ready to attack him assuming him to be Little Krishna.