I Shall Survive Using Potions! Episode 10 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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I Shall Survive Using Potions! Episode 10 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Going Back to my Original Goal in a New Country!
Episode Description:
Kaoru opens a new drugstore in another kingdom, which she has named after Reyette. The visitors take a great interest in her products, especially the kingdom soldiers. Roland, Fran, Emil, and Belle are also hired to serve as guards for her shop, all while acting like they do not know her to avoid unwanted attention. An orphan boy named Gum helps Kaoru at one point and he and his friends are given lots of food as a reward by Belle and Emil, who share their backstory with Kaoru. A soldier commander arrives to buy potions from Kaoru for his men and makes a deal with her. Gum is later hired to work at Kaoru's shop after being inspired by Belle and Emil...