Episode List
SHY Episode 1 English Dubbed Episode Title:
I'm Shy
Episode Description:
In a world where wars have ended due to the emergence of heroes in various countries, Shy (Teru Momijiyama), the hero responsible for peace in Japan, is an extremely shy girl. One day, Shy is invited as a guest to a hero show at an amusement park, but then a roller coaster accident occurs and Shy loses her powers due to being blamed for injuring a person while trying to save them. After some motivational words from her friend, Russian hero Spirit (Pepesha Andranof), Shy regains her powers and saves a couple of people trapped in a burning building. Iko Koishikawa, the girl that was injured in the roller coaster accident, transfers to Shy's school where the two start to become friends. Later, Shy travels with Spirit to space to learn of the dangers threatening the world in the future from hero supervisor Unilord.