Episode List
Helck Episode 21 English Subbed Episode Title:
Phase 2
Episode Description:
Vermilio and the search party members they ran into head towards the human base. The awakened humans attempt to infiltrate Shin castle but are intercepted by Shin's forces. The human leader however is carefree and indicates that the humans have started multiple massive rampages of monsters to head towards Shin's castle from different directions to overwhelm them. At a separate castle other demons have infiltrated and are attempting to reach the barrier crystal, however Hyura along with a number of other demons try to stop the humans. Mikaros is among the human party and overwhelms Hyura, Edil shows up to finish the job while Mikaros moves forward. Azudra shows up and Mikaros is shocked thinking that Azudra was at Shin's castle, however Azudra explains that a demon was wearing a disguise and acting as him. Mikaros tells Azudra of his past and how they first met, after which they fight, both of them declaring they will finish this now.