Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 12 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Undead Girl Murder Farce Episode 12 English Subbed Episode Title:
Where the River's Flow Changes
Episode Description:
Victor takes Aya and Tsugaru to the bottom of the cliff, explaining he saved them from the Royce agents. In return he asks for the location of the werewolf village and the black diamond as collateral. Aya agrees as his associate Carmilla is unable to move during daylight hours. On arriving at Wolphinhel, Vera takes Aya and Tsugaru to see Shizuku, who informs them of her findings, but they can't free her yet as her absence will raise the alarm. Instead, Aya uses Tsugaru to gather more clues where Nora's body was found and spots a hidden switch on a conical rock...