The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: U149 Episode 7 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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The IDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls: U149 Episode 7 English Subbed Episode Title:
What Speaks Without a Voice?
Episode Description:
One day, Koharu decides to bring her pet iguana Hyou-kun to the office and show shim off to the other idols. She explains that she always used to get lost, but ever since she bought Hyou-kun as a pet, her parents always managed to find her quickly due to his distinct appearance, leading her to consider Hyou-kun her knight. That night, she makes a wish to spread her happiness to others, and the next day, the Producer tells her about a job offer to appear with Hyou-kun at an event that features rare animals. Koharu accepts the offer and tells the other idols that she became an idol in hopes of becoming a princess that everybody can love. After the huge success of the event, Koharu wanders off following a butterfly, forcing the Producer, Momoka, and Chie to scramble to look for her...