The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World Episode 1 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
The Iceblade Sorcerer Shall Rule the World Episode 1 English Dubbed Episode Title:
The Boy Who Became the World's Strongest Sorcerer Enters the Academy of Sorcery
Episode Description:
A young man named Ray White enters the Arnold Academy of Sorcery and is treated with hostility by the noble students since Ray was born a commoner. Despite particular hostility from noble Albert Alium, Ray makes friends with Amelia Rose, one of the academies highest nobility students. Ray has several flashbacks to a terrible war. Ray learns about the Seven Grand Sorcerers; four remain completely anonymous, one is Academy principal Abbie Garnet, one is famous researcher Carol Caroline, and the last, the Iceblade Sorcerer, vanished after ending the Far East War. Ray struggles with learning the basics of magic, causing his bullies to nickname him Withered (Wizard). Ray also meets classmate Elisa Griffith, a half-elven girl, Evi Armstrong, his fitness obsessed roommate, Rebecca Bradley, another high nobility student, and hyperactive minor noble Claris Cleveland..