Episode List
Revenger Episode 5 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Love Never Dies
Episode Description:
A circus operated by the Doan Company arrives in Nagasaki, promising to show off various freak show exhibits. The next day, the daughter of Kurima and Soji's landlord, Hana, tells them two of her friends, Badger and Weasel, have gone missing. The pair decide to investigate and discover that Badger and Weasel, as well as a number of other mountain children, have gone missing. Meanwhile, Doan approaches Usui and offers to buy back Nio, but Usui flatly refuses, wanting Nio to live as a human being. Usui expresses to Kurima and Soji his suspicion that the Doan Company has kidnapped Badger and Weasel. Nio meanwhile secretly visits the boys and gives them a gold coin to bite, thus hiring the Revengers. Kurima, Soji, and Teppa eliminate most of the Doan Company members while Nio personally slays Doan. The Badger, Weasel, and the imprisoned children are freed and return to the mountains, while Usui reiterates to Teppa his desire to raise Nio as a human being.