RWBY: Ice Queendom Episode 6 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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RWBY: Ice Queendom Episode 6 English Dubbed Episode Title:
Do You Have a Plan?
Episode Description:
Blake stays behind to distract and battle Nega Weiss, while Ruby and Yang go on ahead. With the red relic, they enter the place the Nightmare Grimm is residing, however they are accosted by Nega Weiss. A battle ensues in which the red relic is destroyed and Ruby's hand is wounded by one of the Nightmare's vines. The three are ejected from the dream, with Ruby's hand wounded in the real world as well. Trying to come up with a new plan, Ruby, Blake and Yang take some advice from Team JNPR, Sun, and Penny, respectively. The three share their ideas and re-enter the dream once more, this time with Jaune joining due to his experience of being affected by a Nightmare beforehand. Shion warns the team that this could be their last chance to save Weiss as the Nightmare's roots have further spread through her body, and Shion's Aura would not regenerate in time to make another attempt before Weiss is killed.