Tales of the Abyss Episode 7 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Tales of the Abyss Episode 7 English Subbed Episode Title: IsolationEpisode Description: Luke and the others arrive at the Zao Ruins. Asch uses Ion to open the Daathic Seal deep within the ruins, but Luke and the others arrive before they can proceed in. Sync and Largo appear to prevent Luke and the others from interfering, and engages in battle with the party. Asch joins in the fray, engaging Luke in one-on-one sword fight; however, their moves mirror's each other. When a final clash of their blades generates a hyperresonance that threatens to collapse the ruins, everyone flees the ruins. Later, as Luke and the others prepare to board their ship, Guy falls to the ground, clutching a strange glyph on his arm, which Ion reveals to be a curse slot placed on him by Sync. As Luke and the others proceed further on their way, they are confronted by Legretta, who scorns them for following the Score without question before leaving. As the rest of the group walks onward, Luke has a childish outburst, and Tear coldly tells him to think for himself, warning him that if he does not, he will make a mistake he will later regret.