Star Wars Animated Adventures: Droids Episode 4 A Race to the Finish InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Star Wars Animated Adventures: Droids Episode 4 A Race to the Finish Episode Title:A Race to the Finish.Episode Description:The team goes to Boonta to take part in a speeder race, but is pursued by the Fromm gang and forced to crash land. Sise hires Boba Fett to help exact his revenge, despite Jabba the Hutt having placed a bounty on the crimelord. Tig plants a thermal detonator on the White Witch, and Fett chases Thall into the race. In the melee, the explosive is used to destroy Fett's speeder. The despondent bounty hunter rounds up the Fromms to take to Jabba. Thall, Jord and Kea are offered careers with a speeder corporation, but refuse when they realize that R2-D2 and C-3PO would have to be reprogrammed. The droids leave their masters so they can take the job.