Avatar Book 2 Earth Episode 16 – Appa’s Lost Days InfoEpisode Description:
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Avatar Book 2 Earth Episode 16 - Appa's Lost Days Episode Title:Appa's Lost Days.Episode Description:Chapter 16 tells the story of Appa's hardships after being abducted many episodes earlier. After being abducted, Appa is traded to a Fire Nation circus, where the trainer whips, humiliates, and generally mistreats him. He eventually escapes with the help of a small boy. He later unwillingly fights a Boarcupine; he wins but is badly wounded. By fortune, Suki and the Kyoshi warriors come across Appa and help him recover from his injuries, but the warriors are attacked by Azula and her team. Appa is forced to flee at Suki's urging, lest he be hurt in the ensuing battle between Azula's forces and the Kyoshi Warriors. Dispirited, confused, and longing for Aang, Appa returns to his childhood home at the Eastern Air Temple, where he discovers a mysterious guru has taken residence in the ruins. The guru senses the terrible burden within Appa, nurses him back to health and imparts to him Aang's location; before sending Appa to be reunited with Aang, the guru attaches a message for Aang to Appa's harness. Appa arrives at Ba Sing Se, but just short of reuniting with Aang he is ambushed and captured by Long Feng.