Beetle Bailey Episode 9 The Secret Weapon/Camp Invisible/A Christmas Tale/The Bull of the Ball InfoEpisode Description:
Episode List
Beetle Bailey Episode 9 The Secret Weapon/Camp Invisible/A Christmas Tale/The Bull of the Ball Episode Title:The Secret Weapon/Camp Invisible/A Christmas Tale/The Bull of the Ball.Episode Description:The Secret Weapon
Beetle, Zero, and Lieutenant Cosmo are ordered to guard a new secret weapon (a super ray gun) prior to testing the device before the military brass the next morning.
Camp Invisible
General Halftrack is ordered by his CO in Washington to create and utilize a new form of camouflage for war games, or his career in the army is finished. Sergeant Snorkle orders the men to create a new form of camouflage or else they'll spend the rest of their army careers in the guardhouse. So Beetle and the other members of the platoon try to camouflage the base with invisible paint. It works... almost!
A Christmas Tale
While spending Christmas with General Halftrack and his strict, henpecking wife, Sergeant Snorkle reads The Night Before Christmas and then falls asleep. He dreams that the General and Beetle are delivering Christmas gifts to everyone at Camp Swampy.
The Bull of the Ball
Beetle enlists Cosmo's aid to win Bunny back from the local playboy.