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A Snow White Christmas Info
Episode Description:
A Snow White Christmas Episode Title:A Snow White Christmas.Episode Description:After vanquishing the Wicked Queen, the new queen, Snow White and her husband King Charming are now the rulers of the land of Noel. They have a young daughter, also named Snow White for her snow-white hair. The royal family decides to host a Christmas winter sports festival. One of the participants is Grunyon, a bumbling dwarf and a friend of the young Snow White. Snow White says her Christmas wish is to build a playhouse for all the children and suggests remodeling the old abandoned castle that belonged to Snow White's evil stepmother. However, a reflection of sunlight causes an ice block to melt, freeing the Wicked Queen, who has been encased within it for years. Returning to her castle, she finds her Magic Mirror and asks it who is the fairest. When it replies that there are two who are equally fair, the witch accuses it of taking the coward's way out by saying that she and Snow White are equally beautiful, only for it to answer that it was talking about two Snow Whites. The furious Queen creates a magical ice storm and freezes the entire kingdom, just barely missing the horrified princess Snow White. Grunyon, who was also spared being frozen, leads Snow White into the forest to escape the storm. After finding their way into the Warm Valley, they accidentally wander upon a giant garden and two giants appear - Finicky and Corny - who mistake them for bugs and try to squash them. Snow White starts crying, and Grunyon scolds the giants who apologize and introduce themselves through song, along with five other giants - Thinker, Hicker, Tiny, Weeper, and Brawny. After hearing their story, they take pity on Snow White and Grunyon, and allow them to stay in their cottage.