Mayo Chiki! Episode 11 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Mayo Chiki! Episode 11 English Subbed Episode Title:Nyu!.Episode Description:It is the start of the new semester, and Subaru still has Kinjirō in her mind. While walking to school together, Kinjirō and Subaru almost get run over by Masamune with her scooter. During lunchtime, Kanade brings a delicious meal to share with Kinjirō and Subaru. Due to the food containing white wine, Subaru becomes slightly drunk, and Kinjirō is dismayed when Kanade rubs some sauce on his neck to have Subaru lick it off. After he takes Subaru to the infirmary, he later takes Kanade to the infirmary there as well when she begins to experience an episode of hiccups. These hiccups are her constant weakness because it makes her so cute, in which they have caused major chaos in the mansion in the past. Kanade tells Subaru to get the tools needed for the hiccup treatment, giving Kanade the chance to seduce Kinjirō, but he pushes his way out and bumps into Subaru. After Kanade seemingly has stopped hiccuping, the three walk down the hallway, that is until Kanade suddenly falls down a flight of stairs and injures her ankle. At the hospital, Subaru blames herself for not being able to prevent Kanade from falling. Nagare shows up to relieves Subaru of her duties as a butler, but Kanade insists that Subaru must remain as her butler. Subaru flees with guilt, and Kinjirō follows her to an overpass. Subaru runs away after thanking Kinjirō with a kiss, which leaves Kinjirō passed out with a nosebleed.