Heavy Object Episode 18 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Heavy Object Episode 18 English Subbed Episode Title:The Coal Mine Littered with Stacks of Money / The Kamchatka Peninsula nighttime Blitz II.Episode Description:Qwenthur and Charlotte barely survive Nutsley's betrayal thanks to the heavy gear they were carrying on their backs. Meanwhile, Havia' team attempts to sabotage the Wing Balancer, but it is a failure and two members of Havia's team are apparently killed. Milinda engage the Wing Balancer in combat. Qwenthur and Havia reunite inside the mines, where they deduce that the coal mines are in fact diamond mines which are owned by an antiwar faction within the Faith Organization. They further deduce that the Faith Organization is attempting to trick the Legitimacy Kingdom into destroy the mines and the antiwar faction along with it. The group is then attacked by Nutsley, who is piloting a powered armor suit.