Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Episode 18 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works Episode 18 English Dubbed Episode Title:The Beginning of the Circle.Episode Description:Saber risks her existence without a Master, but still swearing an oath to protect Shirou. However, she is overwhelmed by Archer, forcing Shirou to intervene and take over in the fight. Rin takes advantage of this distraction to form a pact with Saber as Master and Servant. Fully restored, Saber subdues Archer, who mocks her for her wish of rectifying her legacy. Archer then uses his Noble Phantasm, Unlimited Blade Works, revealed as a Reality Marble, a spell that manifests an alternate reality, which consists of a barren wasteland filled with swords and floating gears that traps Shirou, Saber and Rin with him. After Archer creates and aims several swords at Saber, Shirou summons a sword of his own and destroys them, thereby dissipating Archer's Unlimited Blade Works. A weakened Archer grabs Rin, intending to use her as an "insurance policy" against Shirou and Saber while he recuperates for one day. Before he flees, Shirou tells him to meet with him at Illya's villa. Later on, a restrained Rin wakes up in the basement of Illya's villa after having yet another dream about Archer, and confronts him about his past as a Heroic Spirit. Then, Shinji and Gilgamesh arrive, and Archer agrees to give Rin to them for their own needs after he has finished killing Shirou. Back at his house, Shirou tells Saber to let him battle Archer while she saves Rin, also implying that he knows Archer's true identity. As they make their way to Illya's villa, they are joined by Lancer, who is also determined to rescue Rin.