Motto To Love Ru Trouble Episode 10 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Motto To Love Ru Trouble Episode 10 English Subbed Episode Title:Pollen Telepathy.Episode Description:Rito takes Celine out for a walk and meets up with Yui. As Yui argues with another person about Rito and her being a couple and Celine their daughter, Celine wanders off and steals a Cola. She drinks it and, being a part plant, becomes drunk from the sugar and begins spreading pollen everywhere that immediately makes people fall in love with Rito. Saki and the others get infected by the pollen and fall for Rito along with an entire street full of passers-by. Rito tries to escape but gets tackled by the principal who is thankfully arrested by the police. Back home Momo explains the victims of Celine's pollen likely fell in love with Rito because Celine loves Rito the most. Rito is assigned to shop for groceries but gets intercepted by Risa who uses him to get rid of another guy. Risa returns the favor by taking him to Mio's workplace, a maid café. Risa tests Rito's reaction to girls, leading him by love hotels and to her house where she takes him into her bedroom. After Risa finishes toying with him, Rito arrives home late with no shopping done. Back in her bedroom, Risa appears to regret not having gone further with Rito...