Maken-ki! Two Episode 6 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Maken-ki! Two Episode 6 English Subbed Episode Title:Villainous Leadership Committee.Episode Description:Furan and Yuka decide to select a candidate for the student council's leadership from the first-year members. Minaya gets selected to be a candidate of the committee's leadership but she faces a lot of challenges with the training. She is immediately motivated to become the council vice-president and serve under Haruko who she obsesses over. However, Minaya'a obsession with her proves a distraction as well as a motivation throughout her training camp. Despite this, she succeeds in passing the training camp but both Furan and Yuka believe she is not ready because of her obsession. They set her to the task of secretly following Haruko for a week to produce a report on her. When Haruko plays with a puppet of Takeru, Minaya realises that Haruko loves Takeru and not her, and that her feelings are one-sided. A regretful Minaya immediately goes Furan to resign her candidacy due to her selfishness and apparent immaturity, which convinces Furan and Yuka that she is prepared to lead the student council in future.