Hyperdimension Neptunia Episode 3 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Hyperdimension Neptunia Episode 3 English Dubbed Episode Title:A weekend (girls' night out) at Leanbox.Episode Description:Vert invites the other CPUs and their sisters to Leanbox for a party. They go to a 5pb concert, with the exception of Vert, who the girls later find out is too busy playing a MMO and did not prepare for a party. Disappointed there was no party, the others decide to prepare one for themselves instead. On the way back from shopping for party food, Nepgear picks up a red crystal dropped by a mouse and suddenly becomes dizzy, while the mouse runs away with the crystal. During the party, a mass monster outbreak occurs on a nearby island and the CPUs go to stop it before it reaches the town. Meanwhile, IF finds out the mouse is on the blacklist for every country and took a boat to the same place where the outbreak was. Finding that suspicious, IF and Nepgear head out to the area. After defeating the monsters, the CPUs are captured by Arfoire in a barrier made by the anti-crystals, slowly draining their Share power. IF and Nepgear arrive too late, only to be shocked by the sight of the captured CPUs.As the result All 4 CPU are declared:MIA. But luckily the CPU manage to press a Panic button in their weapons handle which send an emergency signal to the basilicom and also blink a Morse code massege spelled out "SOS HEART PURPLE BLACK WHITE GREEN".