Kaicho wa Maid-sama! Episode 26 English Subbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Kaicho wa Maid-sama! Episode 26 English Subbed Episode Title:Too Cruel Ayuzawa & Usui the Idiot!.Episode Description:After fleeing from the crowd, Usui and Misaki join a contest for couples. Despite her initial reluctance, Usui's teasing provokes Misaki and they complete the contest and win special tickets to the post-festival fireworks. After the UxMishi concert, Misaki tries to find Sakura and Shizuko, only to find Kuuga instead. Misaki gets some reassurance that Kuuga is serious about Sakura, while Kuuga wonders why Misaki is not dating Usui yet and accuses her of being cruel to him. After the festival, Misaki and Usui get dressed up in Romeo and Juliet costumes as part of their prize, and go to an empty classroom to get a better view of the fireworks. With Kuuga's words in her thoughts, Misaki confesses to Usui that she does not understand her feelings for him, but wants to be with him. He hugs her, tells her he loves her, and they kiss during the fireworks. Later, they walk around the festival hand in hand. As everyone continues with their daily lives, Suzuna reveals that she knows her sister likes a boy, Aoi is living with Satsuki again and Hinata is still vowing to win Misaki's heart.