Episode List
Kill La Kill Episode 25 OVA English Dubbed Episode Title:Goodbye Again.Episode Description:Two weeks after the battle against Ragyo, a graduation ceremony is held at Honnouji Academy before Satsuki shuts it down as it served its purpose. The ceremony is interrupted by duplicates of the Elite Four in Goku Uniforms and a Junketsu-clad Satsuki clone. As Ryuko and the real Elite Four fight the doppelgangers, the real Satsuki and Mako are held captive by a revenge-driven Rei who created the clones. Rei attempts to take control of a giant mech formed from Honnouji Academy itself, but Mako manages to briefly override it, encouraging Ryuko and the Elite Four to defeat the clones. Ryuko is knocked down a pit by Rei, but she hears Senketsu's voice and receives the Rending Scissors, managing to transmogrify them into even larger blades, Scissor Blades Alumni Mode, to finally destroy the mech, while Satsuki convinces Rei to surrender peacefully. Afterwards, everyone bids their farewells to Honnouji Academy as it sinks to the bottom of the sea along with the Rending Scissors, while Ryuko takes comfort from Mako knowing that Senketsu is always with her.