Episode List
The Future Diary Episode 26 English Dubbed Episode Title:Format.Episode Description:After some hesitation at seeing the innocence of her Third World self, Yuno lunges at her, but she is stopped by her Third World parents. As the police arrived, Keigo confronts Yuno, and Nishijima rescues Minene. Meanwhile, the actions of Yuki and Minene have caused a positive domino effect that changed the future of every Future Diary Holder. When Balks's incomplete diary reads the results in Yuki's diary, he calls off his partnership with Deus; cancelling the survival game and must find another method to determine his successor. Yuki manages to remember Yuno and break free from the illusionary world, while releasing the Second World Murmur, who had been trapped by her First World self in order to impersonate her. Faced with Yuki's love and her Third World self's united family, Yuno's resolve to kill them all is lost, and she decides to commit suicide. A horrified Yuki is declared winner of the survival game by the Second World Murmur and is spirited away through a vortex. In the Third World, almost all Future Diary Holders are enjoying their new and peaceful lives. Yuno's relationship with her parents improves and she gets many friends, though feels she is forgetting something. As 10,000 years passed in the Second World, Yuki is still grieving Yuno's death in his now empty universe, refusing to create anything as its god. Murmur tried tirelessly to comfort him, but to no avail, since he just keeps staring at the last entry of his cellphone. However, the last entry changes and indicates that Yuno is somehow still alive.