Lagrange: The Flower Of Rin-ne Season 2 Episode 2 English Dubbed InfoEpisode Description:
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Lagrange: The Flower Of Rin-ne Season 2 Episode 2 English Dubbed Episode Title:Mayhem on Kamogawa Beach Episode Description:Madoka rushes to stop Lan and Muginami from quarreling, though she has trouble piloting Midori in the process. However, Madoka hears Lan and Muginami's thoughts, revealing their desire not to fight each other. Madoka fails to understand why Lan and Muginami must fight. Lan and Muginami go into hiding upon the arrival of the Le Garite platoon, and Madoka once again loses control of Midori. Asteria discusses with Tadokoro and Eri Watabe that the stellar systems of Le Garite and De Metrio are set in a collision course with each other, but only Midori has the power to destroy one of the planets. Madoka searches all over Kamogawa for Lan and Muginami, even using Kirius's Ovid Libertas to contact Villagulio and Grania. Both Lan and Muginami are drawn towards the Jersey Club storage room, where they each explain their reasons for protecting Madoka. As Madoka finds them, she hears their troubles over the war between their planets. Madoka gets them to kiss each other and make up before reforming the club, saying that the three of them can work together to get Dizelmine and Villagulio to become friends again. Asteria later tells Lan and Muginami to seek asylum on Earth.