Episode List
Shiki Episode 22 English Dubbed Episode Title:The Final Hunt.Episode Description:Megumi is discovered and brutally killed, while the forest fire begins to consume the village. Toshio leads a group to try and stop fire so that it won't draw the attention of the outside world, however they fail. The remaining villagers have little time to escape the fire and quickly hide the dead bodies inside a deep pit, so that they won't be found by the people coming to help from the town nearby. After rescuing and reuniting Akira and Kaori in the town, Natsuno engages in a fight with Tatsumi. The fight eventually results in them both falling down the pit, where Natsuno ignites explosives, killing himself and Tatsumi. Sunako hides in the burning church, where Atsushi's father finds her. Before he can kill her, however, Seishin saves her by killing him. As the church goes up in flames, she declares that being forsaken by God, she wants to abandon herself and finally die there. It is then discovered Seishin has also become a jinrou; he talks her out of it, saying that even though she's no longer under God's jurisdiction, she never lost her faith in Him. They are the only surviving shiki who managed to escape the village. As the villagers are driven away from Sotoba, now beyond salvation, Ozaki wonders if his fight has been for nothing, since the village wound up destroying itself. As firetrucks pour down the streets towards the burning villages, they pass a car. The camera moves to show Seishin at the wheel, with a box similar to a familiar suitcase in the back seat.