Episode Title:
Beyond the Winding Road.
Episode Description:
Oscar tells Oz that his father has been out of reach for ten years. Sharon and Break discuss what happened earlier, and Break says Oz really does have the power to control the Abyss and that the Will of the Abyss had a "special feeling" towards Jack. Break tells Sharon that there's a rumor about Oz being the reincarnation of Jack, and he also tells her they may have to reconsider the Baskerville's true intentions. Gil, Oz, Alice, and Oscar return to Oz's home and at dinner Oscar reveals that before Oz's father disappeared, he signed a contract with a Chain called Griffin, which turns out to be the same Chain that dragged Oz into the Abyss. Oz locks himself in his room, and when Alice and Gil come, Oz questions who he is and Alice says that's the reason they're working together - to find out who they are. Oz wants to see his father again and Gil finds out that the Baskervilles are staying in Sabrie. On the way there, Oz says that everything he has done so far may have been wrong. When they reach Sabrie, the group finds the Baskervilles and Griffin. The four almost get dragged into the Abyss, but Oz unleashes B. Rabbit's powers on his own, and they both make the Griffin disappear. Oz tells his father that he will continue to be himself no matter what happens and no matter what others think of him. Oz's father adds after they leave that it isn't fun to deny one person's existence, but that Oz cannot be allowed to exist. The last picture shows the pocketwatch back on the grave.