Episode Title:
Unparalleled Peril.
Episode Description:
The Ancient King of the Terror Lizard Clan appears but is easily destroyed by Tatsumaki. At Bang's dojo, Bang tells Saitama and Genos, who were called there by Bang to learn some moves, about how his former best student, Garou, had gone wild and defeated all of his other top students. Suddenly, a Hero Association member comes and informs the heroes that an emergency has been declared and all S Class heroes have been called to a meeting. At the association, Saitama meets Atomic Samurai, an arrogant S Class hero, and the other S Class heroes, Puri-Puri Prisoner, Metal Bat, Tanktop Master, Flashy Flash, Watchdog Man, Superalloy Darkshine, Pig God, Drive Knight, Zombieman, King, Child Emperor, except for Metal Knight and Blast, who are absent. Sitch, a staff member of the association, starts the meeting by telling the heroes that the emergency would be perilous and even with their skills, there is no guarantee of survival. Also, the great seer, Madame Shibabawa, had died while becoming agitated and choking on a cough pill because of a coughing fit while predicting the future. Sitch mentions that Shibabawa's predictions have always been 100% accurate, be it monster attacks or natural disasters. Before she died, she left a note...