Episode Title:
Kaido Laughs! The Emperors of the Sea vs. New Generation!
Episode Description:
Luffy continues to hit Kaido with Kong Gatling and knock him into the roof with everybody in the Skull Dome noticing the vibrations. Luffy attempts to land one more hit, but Fourth Gear wears off and Big Mom tries attacks him until Zoro rescues him. Law hits Big Mom with Counter Shock while Kid and Killer charge at Kaido, who gets back up and uses Tatsumaki to blow everyone away and eats Luffy. Zoro uses his own Tatsumaki to free Luffy and cut through Kaido's scales. Kaido finally deduces that Zoro was using Oden's sword, as the pain and strange Haki felt similar. He decides to challenge Zoro using Tatsumaki Demolition Gust, which everyone tries to dodge. He then changes into his hybrid form, which surprises the Worst Generation, and tells Big Mom that this battle has started to get fun, which she agrees with. Meanwhile, CP0 is revealed to be at the banquet and go over the battlefield, hoping the pirates wipe each other out after losing their business partner, Orochi.