Episode Title:
Surprise Attack! Naruto's Secret Weapon!.
Episode Description:
As the battle continues, Naruto manages to trick Kiba into knocking Akamaru out. Despite this, Naruto is still at a disadvantage due to Kiba's pill-enhanced chakra as well as his superior strength and speed. Kiba proves to be too fast for Naruto to the point that Naruto doesn't even have time to perform any jutsu. Using his speed to get behind Naruto, Kiba is about to land a finishing blow. Before he can make contact, however, Naruto accidentally farts into his face, stopping him in his tracks. Due to Kiba's greatly enhanced sense of smell, he is overwhelmed by the odor as Naruto defeats him with by using his Shadow Clones in his own version of Sasuke's Lion Barrage: Uzumaki Barrage.