Episode Title:
A Flock of Hazy Moons.
Episode Description:
Tensions grow between Yuuya and Yui over their countries different combat doctrine and Yui commenting over his Japanese heritage which Yuuya doesn't like as he hates Japanese people due to racism he suffered as a child. Ordered to fly a Japanese Zuikaku TSF with the rest of Argos Flight in a virtual simulation battle against the BETA, Yuuya is unable to get used to the Zuikaku's controls and is unable to keep up with his seasoned teammates in fighting. After another heated argument with Yui, Yuuya meets Inia Sestina, a Soviet Russian pilot from the Idar Test Flight and one of the "Scarlet Twins". Inia befriends Yuuya and invites him to see her teddy bear Misha at the Soviet sector of the base. However, this gets Yuuya into trouble when Inia's co-pilot, Cryska Barchenowa has Yuuya apprehended, believing he is a Japanese spy. As he is about to be tortured by Soviet interrogators, Yuuya is ordered to be released thanks to Yui's intervention. Inia stills wants to be friends with Yuuya despite Cryska telling her to stay away from him. The next day, Yuuya begins piloting the Type-94 Shiranui TSF.