Episode Title:
Chocks Away!.
Episode Description:
After Teddy gets torn by a boy's remote-controlled model aeroplane, Mr. Bean decides to get revenge by buying his own model plane. When a girl is about to buy the last plane in the shop, Bean throws the girl's doll and manages to buy the plane but he gets bumped by the guard and finds one part to be missing: the propeller. He goes back to the toy store, only to be blocked by the guard but manages to fool him and retrieves the propeller. Bean then flies the plane with Teddy riding as pilot and manages to knock down the boy's plane, but the boy's father breaks Bean's remote while the plane is still in flight, causing the plane to go out of sight. When the plane explodes, Bean is distraught he lost Teddy forever; fortunately Teddy is ejected and falls down his chimney.