Episode Title:
I Predict Horror / Destroy Chickie D!.
Episode Description:
I Predict Horror: B.O.B. eats Dr. Cockroach's probabilitator (a device which can predict the future) and foresees Coverton going into a special room on the base and ending up with a crown and with people bowing before him. Coverton, hearing about this, decides to make it come true. However, he didn't realize the crown was for a broken tooth after he breaks into the room containing General Monger's training robot, which beats him up.
Destroy Chickie D!: Sta'abi sees a commercial for Chickie D's, a chicken restaurant, and its mascot brings back memories of the giant bird that attacked her village. Vowing to destroy the creature, she escapes the base to do so, and Team Monster must stop her and bring her back.