Episode Title:
Confession ... Momo-kun and Kurihara-san.
Episode Description:
Second-year high school student Yuki "Kuri" Kurihara who has been stalking her kouhai Shinya "Momo" Momotsuki for ages finally works up her courage to confess her love to him, requesting that they go out together. Flustered and having no prior experience in matters of love, Momo simply accepts, unknowing of Kuri's stalker ways, which including going so far as to have a collection of his used straws. After an awkward time walking home together, the two explain their new relationship to each of their separate friends. Kuri's best friend, Norika Mizuyama, congratulates her on her success on becoming Momo's girlfriend and encourages her to stop her obsessive stalking. Momo's friends are envious that he managed to get a girlfriend, and are curious of Kuri. The two begin spending more and more time together, including having lunch and walking home together. Soon however, Momo begins to wonder why Kuri always runs away whenever he tries to initiate conversations with her, and how he always manages to "coincidentally" meet her around school. As Kuri worries over whether her recent uncontrollable behaviour might make Momo think she is weird, both of them share a romantic moment together as Momo catches Kuri after school without her umbrella and shares his with her.