Episode Title:
Operation Sleepover / Beneath The Surface.
Episode Description:
While Tooey is updating his blog on Eugene Pike by making his own post about sled dogs, Molly and her dog Suki drop by for a brief visit. However, just as Molly and Suki get ready to go home, a blizzard blows in and is not expected to let up until the following afternoon, which means that Molly and Suki will have to stay overnight at Tooey's house. Molly helps Tooey and his mother feed the sled dogs and put them in the shed for the night, but Molly can't help but feel sorry for the sled dogs when they begin to feel lonesome and afraid. After some persuasion with Tooey's mother, Molly and Tooey bring the sled dogs inside and assign sleeping areas for them, but chaos ensues when Tooey's family's cat Mouse entices Suki and the sled dogs into a chase around the main floor that makes a mess of the living room. Together, Molly and Tooey will have to bring down law and order to the sled dogs and find a way to ensure no more mishaps/On the first day of the ice fishing season, the residents of Qyah all go down to the lake for ice fishing...