Episode Title:
Episode Description:
One year after the events of the previous episode, Lyar receives permission to visit the families of those who lost their lives at Watcher's Nest. She first pays a visit to Luxandra's mother. Woern's receives confirmation those displaced from Watcher's Nest cannot return to Earth. She next visits Kiri's brother. A visit to see Kotoko prior to these visits revealed no information about an individual named Misaki. Her last trip takes her to Alchemy to explain Prim's death, which had been blamed on an accident with the accelerator. Suzanna submits an application to become join on at the engineering department for the emigration project, which involves the use of interstellar spacecraft. Prim informs Jalabert on the collapse of the Inflation Hole near Titan. Her reports also indicate that Juzoh Kureha had no children, and he in turn confirms that Lyar von Ertiana is the last survivor of the Kessler Project.