Episode Title:
Migi and Dali
Episode Description:
A blue-eyed young woman with waist-length blonde hair is seen lying bleeding on the ground while holding a snowflake button. In December 1989, a blonde boy, Hitori is adopted by an elderly, childless couple, Yōko and Osamu Sonoyama. Unbeknownst to them, Hitori is being portrayed by identical twin brothers Migi and Dali. Because the couple can only adopt one child, they use their identical appearances to pretend to be one person while covertly switching places without the couple noticing. Migi and Dali grant the couple's dreams of having a child; they help Yōko bake a cherry pie and ride on Osamu's shoulders. Migi and Dali are pleased they have won the Sonoyamas over and everything is going as they have been planning.