Episode Title:
Mash Burnedead and the Baleful Bully
Episode Description:
Mash draws attention from Lloyd, a bully who openly tortures his classmates due to his father’s position in the Bureau of Magic, and his friendship with Easton’s vice-principal Farman. Mash’s belongings are secretly vandalised while Lloyd continues bullying him, though Mash doesn’t get upset, angering Lloyd further. Finn, forced to vandalise Mash’s belongings by Lloyd, refuses to vandalise anything else, so Lloyd beats him. Mash protects Finn by slamming Lloyd’s head into the floor and is expelled by Farman. Reasoning it can’t get worse Mash buries Farman in a hole, pointing out he can turn up any time and bury him again as often as he wants and no magic can stop him. The Bureau of Magic insist on Mash’s expulsion but he is protected by Wahlberg who is increasingly tired of people like Lloyd corrupting the government and society. Instead he offers Mash his full support in legitimately gaining the title of Divine Visionary. Mash’s defeat of Lloyd makes him popular so overbearing student Tom insists he join the Duelo team, a popular sport played on flying broomsticks that rewards coins for winning matches. Mash is unsure what to do since he can’t use magic to fly.