Episode Title:
Eternal Walküre.
Episode Description:
Being directly responsible for taking the lives of the NUNS fleet, Heinz considers negotiating for peace. Heinz orders Mikumo to sing the Song of the Stars, sending delta waves throughout the Brísingr Cluster, and revealing Roid's true objective to unite the galaxy's humanoids in a hive mind, allowing the Windermereans to exceed their short lifespans. Heinz and Freyja resist the spell through their fold receptors, and the feelings between Hayate, Freyja and Mirage enable Chaos and the Aerial Knights to break free. The combined power of Walküre releases Mikumo from Roid's control and both factions break through the Star Temple. As Mikumo is rescued, Keith ends the conflict by fatally injuring Roid while both are consumed in the destruction of the Star Temple. In the aftermath of the battle, Heinz orders the remaining Windermerean forces to retreat as the Starwind Sector falls.