Episode Title:
Important Person
Episode Description:
The show starts with many students crowding up the locker area in the morning just as Sawako reaches school with Ayane & Chizuru. News about her current girlfriend-boyfriend relationship with Kazehaya has gotten out. Kazehaya is later made to announce and clearly state his and Sawako's relationship so as to avoid further misunderstandings. Sawako then goes to confront Kurumi after overhearing Ayane saying to Chizuru that 'there's one girl who's definitely crying' The same group of girls who harassed Sawako in the bathroom in season one gossips and badmouth Sawako near the windowsills and is heard by Kurumi who interfered with the conversation. They throw accusations at each other not long before Sawako appears standing in a distance, just listening to their talk. The group of girls go up against Sawako to tell her off and starts insulting her before Kurumi defended Sawako by simply saying 'Kazehaya will not forgive you if you hurt her' which the girls then threatened to tell Kazehaya Kurumi's illdoings. Kurumi simply urged them to and said that 'let him think of you for what you told him' as Kazehaya greatly dislike tattlers. Kurumi walks off. The girls try to follow after only to be stopped by Sawako who determinedly said to let her as she was Kurumi's true rival. The girls irritated with Sawako tried to follow only to be stopped again by Chizuru and Ayane who somewhat tell them off while comforting them by stating the harsh reality that 'you only hate Sawako because Kazehaya is in love with her now' At the rooftop, Sawako tells Kurumi that she has confessed and they're dating, even though Kurumi already knows from the many gossips. Just as Sawako was about to leave, Kurumi stops Sawako and confesses that the only reason she had the courage and confidence to profess her love for Kazehaya back then was because of Sawako. Sawako stares in surprise as Kurumi walks off without a word. Later near the locker area, just as Kurumi was about to leave, Miura approaches Kurumi and asks if she would have been happy if he were to have managed to make Sawako fall in love with him which Kurumi promptly replied no as it was impossible. Kurumi also mentions her surprise at how Sawako did not thank her nor apologize earlier at the rooftop but is glad as Kurumi would have punched her if she did. Ayane then appears, touching Kurumi's shoulders, somewhat comforting her, telling she and Kazehaya would never have been possible but that Kazehaya would have forgiven her if he knew all of what she'd done, which Kurumi thought about for a moment bitterly and said she didn't need Ayane to tell her that before walking off in tears, with Muira and Ayane following behind. Sawako and Chizuru is seen near their class's little garden tending to the flowers. Sawako is upset at not being able to say more to Kurumi on the rooftop, and Chizuru comforts Sawako and tells her it was the right thing to do and that she would have done the same. Ryu and Kazehaya approaches them which Chizuru quickly takes up the opportunity and grab Ryu's arm running off leaving Sawako and Kazehaya alone together. As they walked off, Ryu catches Chizuru offguard by telling her he likes her. Chizuru is surprised. She runs after Ryu, bumps him in the back and tells him she already knew that. Sawako and Kazehaya part ways outside their school. Kazehaya is seen riding away before Sawako stops him but when Kazehaya turns around, replies saying its nothing although she might have wanted to mention about Kurumi. Sawako is seen crying for Kurumi's situation and promises to herself that she will treasure Kazehaya always, as a way to honor Kurumi. (After the credits) Kazehaya goes on a date with Sawako. After spending a day together, Sawako and Kazehaya seats on a nearby park as she hands him his rightful Christmas gift and valentine chocolates. Kazehaya puts on the cap immediately and gobbles up the chocolates commenting on how good it tastes. Sawako cries, saying she never had to courage to until now and that she does not know how to be a good girlfriend. Kazehaya embraces her, telling it is not a job and to just be herself.