Episode Title:
Let's Be Honest!.
Episode Description:
Okada, Sakurada and Shimada invite Asahi and Yoko to join them at a buffet restaurant, but Yoko is reluctant for fear of revealing her secret. However, Asahi convinces her, and although there is constant danger of Yoko's being exposed (such as the bats hovering outside or her wings appearing), things seem to be going well...until Mikan (who is working at the restaurant as a waitress) appears with her latest batch of Russian Cream Puffs for Yoko to try! To protect Yoko, Asahi (joined by Shimada, who doesn't know the lethal effects of Mikan's pastry) eat them all, with the expected result! The next day at school, Mikan is distraught, having lost her "Heathen Queen" glasses; Asahi, Yoko and Nagisa join her in searching for them. It turns out that Akane stole them, and a major chase through the school begins with Akane using her magic tricks, culminating in her creating clones wearing identical glasses, but Akari breaks up the chase, returns the glasses and drags Akane off for punishment! Later, by the riverside, Nagisa learns the truth about the glasses: that they are inhabited by a fukunokami, a god of good fortune (in this case, a god-in-training!) and that this fukunokami inhabited the glasses because they were filled with the good memories about Mikan's childhood and her true feelings for Asahi. Rather than admit to her true feelings, Mikan repeatedly tries to throw the glasses away, but is stopped by Nagisa, who challenges her to face Asahi without them. The glasses tell Mikan that if she won't admit her feelings to Asahi it will just as Asahi and Yoko join them. In a panic, Mikan tries to put the glasses on again, and in the ensuing confusion Nagisa winds up wearing the glasses just as the fukunokami blurts out, "Asahi-kun, the truth is I am in love with you!", making it sound (to everybody's shock) that Nagisa had spoken!