Episode Title:
Demon World - Part 1.
Episode Description:
Shendu escapes the Demon realm and takes over Jackie Chan when he was visiting Jade's parents in Hong Kong so her parents can find out how she is doing with Jackie, and then Shendu uses Jackie's body to fly to Australia. Shendu alters the Book of Ages to create a world where demons rule but Jade was able to tear a page out of it when Jade, Uncle and Tohru arrived at Shendu's location. In the world where a demon ruled a certain location, Jade reminds Jackie about humans ruling the world and they go to find the Book of Ages along with Uncle. The Shadowkhan comes and Uncle banishes them with a Chi Spell. Jade brought up the talismans that are integrated in Shendu to escape and get to Australia. Just as the team gathered up a few talismans, Shendu awoke and blasted Jackie!